I am participating in the Completing Him Challenge hosted by Courtney at
Women Living Well. This weeks challenge is as follows (quoted from Courtney's Blog):
Consider: How much time do you spend on a daily/weekly basis cultivating your marriage now? In what ways can you regain some of what has been lost in the daily shuffle of life?
Purpose this week to do something that reminds your husband of the youthful wife you once were - maybe it's wearing something you know he loves on you (remember we dressed to please back in those dating days!), go somewhere you both used to enjoy going together - alone!, look at photos together of the "good ol'days", watch a favorite movie, or just simply sit together talking, listening, dreaming, holding hands, rubbing his back, and simply paying attention to the amazing husband of your youth! Treasure him this week!
I am so blessed to have been led to Courtney's blog. This challenge is exactly what I have been needing to do!
Our Story
My husband and I met in the summer of 2001. He had been home on a 2 week leave from his service in the United States Marine Corps. I was at a mutual friends house where we were gathering for a party for his short time at home. It had been awhile since he had been on leave and his friends were a little excited for his return!
Now, this is going to sound so cliche', but it was love at first sight...for me anyway! When I saw him walk into the yard and our eyes met, I knew that I would marry that man! I tell my husband this all the time, but of course, he doesn't believe me! I tell him that a women just knows!
We spent a lot of time together those two weeks, but when he left to go back to his post in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, neither of us really thought anything would come of it. He being on the west coast and I being on the east coast in Pennsylvania. We exchanged email addresses and that was pretty much the end of it...or so I thought!
Shortly after his return to Hawaii, September 11th occurred. I remember being terrified that he would be sent to war. His face is the first to have appeared in my mind.
I hadn't been able to reach him via email and I was anxious to know his fate. Since I never obtained his cell phone number, I was unable to reach him by phone. But, a wonderful friend of mine did have his brothers phone number, which I called immediately to see if he had heard any news. Luckily, my husband had just been on lock down and had not heard whether or not he would be one of the troops being sent over.
After weeks of praying, I had found out he was not being sent over and would remainly safely in Hawaii. God had bigger, better, plans for his life!
I thought about him constantly; talked about him constantly, so much so that my friends were getting sick and tired of hearing me repeat his name! "I wonder what he is doing now?" I wonder if he is dating anyone?" I wonder if he ever thinks of me?". My friends had had enough. They had called him one night, much to my surprise. I had no idea they even had his number, let alone just called him. All I know is I was being handed the phone saying it was for me. When I heard his voice on the other end I about fainted! I was embarrassed, but also thrilled, to be finally talking to him after 4 long months! We hadn't talked very long that first night, but that was only the beginning of many more, longer, phone calls.
Over the next several months we talked more and more on the phone. He was in a different time zone than I, 5 hours behind, so most of our conversations were at night. They usually lasted into the wee hours of the morning. We talked about everything...and really got to know each other. Nothing was held back. I enjoyed those phone calls and often think about them. I used to lay in my bed and just listen to him talk and vice versa...wishing he was here, but also very thankful for cell phone waves carrying our voices back and forth to each other!
We had a relationship based solely on conversation for 2 years while he finished his duty to the Marine Corps.
During that time, we got engaged! He had been home on leave in December of 2002 and proposed to me on Christmas Eve. It was beautiful! I was going to be marrying the man of my dreams! I couldn't have been happier! God had brought us together and saw us through.
Looking back on those days, I remember thinking that those 2 years were going to be the longest 2 years of my life. But, I am thankful that things happened the way they did. I learned more about my husband during those 2 years that I may not have learned had he been home. God has a reason for everything and he knew exactly how and when we were going to meet. He has a perfect will and plan for our lives! We just have to remain faithful!
I have to say, my husband and I still have great conversations with each other, when we find the time! That is going to be my challenge...to find the time to just sit and talk. To just be Us with one another. No TV...no kids...no computer! Just the two of us...like how it all began!
"A Successful Marriage Requires Falling in Love Many Times, Always With the Same Person." ~ Author Unknown
Happy Reading, Peaceful Knitting, and Many Blessings,
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8