When my daughter was born three years ago, I sadly had not known about the wonderful world of babywearing. I would have loved swaddling her up in my stretchy wrap while her cute little face with the button nose was laying on my chest, sound asleep.
I did, however, discover Babywearing just in time. {and in fact, with the right child! God knew what He was doing. It was all a part of His plan!}
My son, from birth, has been very needy. Always wanting held. Would cry when you would put him down. Extremely attached to me. If I hadn't discovered Babywearing and all of it's benefits, I would have most likely gone insane! {not to mention my family would have never gotten fed, laundry never done, and the house a total mess!}
My son, from birth, has been very needy. Always wanting held. Would cry when you would put him down. Extremely attached to me. If I hadn't discovered Babywearing and all of it's benefits, I would have most likely gone insane! {not to mention my family would have never gotten fed, laundry never done, and the house a total mess!}
As a mother, it is my job to soothe my child with a hug. To make them feel safe and secure by my embrace. Babywearing made it all the more easier to get those snuggles in throughout the day...especially with a toddler running around!
I will wipe all tears from your eyes. Revelation 7:1
I will not abandon you. Deuteronomy 4:31
We are still babywearing {at 15 months} when out and about and enjoying every minute of it! The days of snuggling and holding go by so very fast. I am going to embrace them for as long as I can!
Although I am saddened at the fact that I never got to experience the joys of babywearing with my daughter, I am also very grateful that I did discover them with my son, before it was too late altogether!
{If you have any questions about the safety and benefits of babywearing and what type of carrier to choose, please email me or leave a comment below. I love talking about babywearing and helping moms out with this wonderful experience!}
And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. ~ Titus 2:4-5