"Mama, I sit on your lap?"
"Buddy, you have to wait a minute until I am finished feeding Heidi and then you can sit on my lap."
His tantrum begins.
My frustration at trying to please all three of them at the same time is getting the best of me and I let anger and stress come out as I yell at him to go to his room if he is going to cry.
My own hot tears roll down my cheeks. My little man. Still getting used to the transition of being the youngest and having all my attention, to being a big brother and having to share my attention even more.
He's not used to not being able to crawl into my lap and cuddle there whenever he wants.
To having to wait for a drink or a snack.
His cuddle space in mamas bed has now been taken over by his little sister and I know this has upset him the most.
As I have sat holding Heidi and getting used to meeting the needs of one more child, I have thought about how I
I need to take time during the day to just sit and cuddle him on the couch like we used to do.
I need to place Heidi back into her crib on some mornings so Caleb can cuddle in next to me for those few short minutes after daddy has left for the gym.
These are moments that we have shared since birth and I do not want to loose that closeness with him. We formed a bond, different than the one I have with Emma, from the day he was born and this bond, that has only strengthened over the years, is not something that I want to lose. There is just something about a mama and son bond that is so very sweet. And this little man of mine is a big hugger and a cuddler. I want to continue to nurture these precious attributes of his sweet personality. I never want him to change this about himself. For his daddy is much of the same - and I want some little girl to be as blessed as I am some day!
Linking up with Lydia
Linking up with:
“Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.” Titus 2:2