I know for some, reaching this point in their lives is troublesome and upsetting.
Me? Eh...it's just another chapter in my written story. Another part of this amazing journey that I am forever blessed to be on.
However, in lieu of this most important chapter, I thought I would reflect back on the past ten years of my life...the ten years spent in my twenties...and reminisce a bit. It is quite amazing how much wonder and joy can be accomplished in ten years!
:: falling in love
:: graduating from college
:: finally making my own money
:: visiting Hawaii...twice!
:: experiencing a painful situation for the first time on my own...5000 miles away from my parents!
:: realizing for the first time that I am now an adult and can make my own decisions
:: getting engaged
:: getting married
:: buying our first home
:: honeymooning
:: finding out we were pregnant...joy!
:: hearing that little heartbeat for the first time
:: feeling the little kick of baby feet
:: becoming a mother
:: falling in love...again...with this beautiful, little, blessing
:: re-dedicating my life to Christ
:: being water baptized with my husband
:: dedicating a promise to my daughter and to Jesus that we will raise her to know and love Him
:: finding out we were pregnant...again!
:: finding out we were having a little boy
:: quitting my job to stay home full time...a dream come true
:: having the littlest bundle of joy placed in my arms almost three years ago and feeling my heart getting ready to burst because it was full of so much love!
:: another dedication and a promise to teach him Jesus all the days of his life
:: reading through the entire Bible in 90 days
:: baking homemade bread for the first time
:: making new friends
:: re-kindling old friendships
:: becoming a coffee-a-holic
:: realizing just how good sushi really is
:: started a blog
:: decided to homeschool
:: watching the love my children have for each other grow
:: being here to experience all the "new" in my childrens lives
:: sewed a quilt
:: sewed clothing and toys for my children
:: knitted a sweater
:: discovering new dreams
:: truly realizing and appreciating the littlest things in life that are worth the most
:: expecting a third, tiny, miracle
:: seeing my daughters faith outshine mine
:: crying tears of joy at the first sounds of my children praying
:: realizing that laughter truly is the best medicine
:: learning to trust
:: humbling myself before Him who has blessed me with so much
to be continued...
What an amazing journey God has placed me on and I am thrilled to start on this new chapter. So much more to take place in our lives, I am sure of it! He has not given up on me yet and I know He never will!
Thank you, Lord, for an amazing 29 years! Looking forward to all you have in store for me as this chapter closes and another one begins; for you write the most amazing, beautiful, stories. I am truly honored and blessed to call you my King!
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” ~ Proverbs 31:30