I decided a few weeks ago to dust off the sewing machine and get to work on finishing Emma's Quilt that I started, oh, over a year ago! I was determined to get it done this time and not stop until it was indeed finished. Over the course of 2 nights and the help of my wonderful mother-in-law, Emma has been cuddling with it every night for over a week!
The reason it took me so long to finish was the fact that I lost my motivation and gave up! My sewing machine could not handle the thickness of all the fabrics and I kept making many, many, mistakes. So, I tucked it away...thinking I would never finish it! This is a quality of mine that I do not like...at all. I give up way too easily! Thankfully, I was reminded by a sweet friend that the qualities I want my children to posses are qualities I need to also have myself. I do not want my children to give up so easily when situations get tough. I want them to persevere and figure it out!
All this led me to asking my mother-in-law if I could use her fancy-smancy sewing machine and getting this quilt sewn once and for all. And I am so glad I did! Emma loves it and it helped me get my motivation back to sew again!
It's amazing how successfully finishing one project fuels oneself to take on and tackle some more! In the week since finishing the quilt, I also made Emma a dress for the 4th of July as well as Caleb a little bow-tie t-shirt.
The dress is a Simplicity pattern that I picked up at Joann's when they were on sale for $1.99! LOVE when they have their pattern sales! The little tie was made by simply cutting out a tie from my chosen fabric, adding fusible interfacing to the back, and then ironing it on and stitching around the outsides. Simple and oh so cute!
Next up in the sewing que are the Cute-as-a-Button Booties and Quick-Change Trousers from the book Handmade Beginnings. I have seen the Trousers featured on many, many, blogs and have been wanting to make a pair ever since! And the fabirc I chose I think will be perfect! I plan on making the trousers and booties in the same fabric and if I have any left over, I am hoping to also make this little dress out of the same fabric!
Oh so cute for a baby girl! Plus, the nice thing about the trousers are they are a bit bigger in the bum area...perfect for a clothed tushie! I'm sure I will be making more than one pair for the littlest of my girls!
Now, I know that it is a lot easier to just go to the store and buy dresses, shirts, booties, and pants for my children, but what fun is that? I love creating things for them...mama handmade! Items that will be kept and treasured to be worn on their own children someday...grandma handmade! Hey, I may even attempt another quilt here real soon!
What have you been creating lately?
Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. ~ Matthew 11:29-30