Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Word-Filled Wednesday: Discipline


If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don't love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them. ~ Proverbs 13:24

This is so important to remember as a parent! It is hard at times {for me} to yell and discipline my children. I hate to see the hurt on their little faces.

But, at the same time I know that it is my job as their mama to lead them in the right direction by teaching them right from wrong.

Who better to teach and lead them than me?

My Gracious, Heavenly, Father blessed me with these children and instilled upon me the job of taking care of them and leading them to His kingdom!

I will discipline and use certain punishments when necessary. {even if it hurts me more than it hurts them!}

I want my children to grow up loving and respecting their earthly mother and father as well as their Heavenly Father!

Discipline = RESPECT! {you can't have one without the other!}


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~ Matthew 19:14

Linked up at


  1. I love coming to your site!!!
    Have a great iFellowship Day!

    If you have time come see me too at Living Above!

  2. The world has such a distorted view of discipline. I am glad that our Father knows exactly what we need and He instructs us in His word, for our benefit and safety.

    Bless you on your journey as a Godly Mum. You have beautiful babies (all 3 of them!) lol, I have a 4-legged baby too! ;)

  3. Yep.....we are suffering a generation or two now of undisciplined children and they do not have a great concept of disciplining their own.
    mind many of us like being disciplined but though He was a Son Jesus learnt through suffering

  4. Just then your dog caught my eye...and It crossed my mind that the same people who will not discipline their chn will spend hours at obedience classes for their pets. Somehow they lost their way.

  5. Great post! Discipline is so hard to give and to recieve but so needed.

  6. Amy, this is what i was talking about. and you put it into simply words. it equals respect. i can only hope to do it in a better manner then i have been doing.
    thank you for this

  7. GREAT post - wish more people had the gumption to post like this. Discipline the right way is so fundamental in raising kids. I find it hard to be consistent and the tug of wanting to feel loved rather than do the tough thing. I recently wrote a post called "Losing Your Child's Soul" that was along these lines. Thank you for your words and wonderful example as a mom!
    Stopping by from iFellowship. :-)

  8. Enjoyed this post.

    "But, at the same time I know that it is my job as their mama to lead them in the right direction by teaching them right from wrong.

    Who better to teach and lead them than me?"

    Well said.

    I love that the word discipline has the word disciple in it. To disciple someone is to teach and lead them.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting from ifellowship today.

  9. Discipline never seems like love when you're in the midst of it.

  10. My husband and I always said it is easier to discipline the correct way when they are young. It gets harder when you try to discipline them when they are older-with more serious consequences. Great post and thanks for reminding us!

  11. Bravo Amy! Discipline does equal respect. If our children do not become accustomed to discipline they will not be willing to submit to the discipline of the Father.

    Even in marriage, discipline does equal respect. No - I do not mean that spouses are to discipline each other - Heaven FORBID.

    But, if we are willing to submit to the discipline of God (meaning to be His disciples and walk in His ways) then we will regard one another with respect. Ephesians 5:33b all taken care of!

    I am so grateful for iFellowship. Your posts are energizing, encouraging and inspirational. I don't know if I've ever thanked you for that.

  12. I love your thoughts! I completely agree. Happy iFellowship! :-)


I love hearing from my readers! Thanks for stopping by and saying "Hi"!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Word-Filled Wednesday: Discipline


If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don't love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them. ~ Proverbs 13:24

This is so important to remember as a parent! It is hard at times {for me} to yell and discipline my children. I hate to see the hurt on their little faces.

But, at the same time I know that it is my job as their mama to lead them in the right direction by teaching them right from wrong.

Who better to teach and lead them than me?

My Gracious, Heavenly, Father blessed me with these children and instilled upon me the job of taking care of them and leading them to His kingdom!

I will discipline and use certain punishments when necessary. {even if it hurts me more than it hurts them!}

I want my children to grow up loving and respecting their earthly mother and father as well as their Heavenly Father!

Discipline = RESPECT! {you can't have one without the other!}


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~ Matthew 19:14

Linked up at


  1. I love coming to your site!!!
    Have a great iFellowship Day!

    If you have time come see me too at Living Above!

  2. The world has such a distorted view of discipline. I am glad that our Father knows exactly what we need and He instructs us in His word, for our benefit and safety.

    Bless you on your journey as a Godly Mum. You have beautiful babies (all 3 of them!) lol, I have a 4-legged baby too! ;)

  3. Yep.....we are suffering a generation or two now of undisciplined children and they do not have a great concept of disciplining their own.
    mind many of us like being disciplined but though He was a Son Jesus learnt through suffering

  4. Just then your dog caught my eye...and It crossed my mind that the same people who will not discipline their chn will spend hours at obedience classes for their pets. Somehow they lost their way.

  5. Great post! Discipline is so hard to give and to recieve but so needed.

  6. Amy, this is what i was talking about. and you put it into simply words. it equals respect. i can only hope to do it in a better manner then i have been doing.
    thank you for this

  7. GREAT post - wish more people had the gumption to post like this. Discipline the right way is so fundamental in raising kids. I find it hard to be consistent and the tug of wanting to feel loved rather than do the tough thing. I recently wrote a post called "Losing Your Child's Soul" that was along these lines. Thank you for your words and wonderful example as a mom!
    Stopping by from iFellowship. :-)

  8. Enjoyed this post.

    "But, at the same time I know that it is my job as their mama to lead them in the right direction by teaching them right from wrong.

    Who better to teach and lead them than me?"

    Well said.

    I love that the word discipline has the word disciple in it. To disciple someone is to teach and lead them.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting from ifellowship today.

  9. Discipline never seems like love when you're in the midst of it.

  10. My husband and I always said it is easier to discipline the correct way when they are young. It gets harder when you try to discipline them when they are older-with more serious consequences. Great post and thanks for reminding us!

  11. Bravo Amy! Discipline does equal respect. If our children do not become accustomed to discipline they will not be willing to submit to the discipline of the Father.

    Even in marriage, discipline does equal respect. No - I do not mean that spouses are to discipline each other - Heaven FORBID.

    But, if we are willing to submit to the discipline of God (meaning to be His disciples and walk in His ways) then we will regard one another with respect. Ephesians 5:33b all taken care of!

    I am so grateful for iFellowship. Your posts are energizing, encouraging and inspirational. I don't know if I've ever thanked you for that.

  12. I love your thoughts! I completely agree. Happy iFellowship! :-)


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